Saturday, October 24, 2009

Avogadro 1.0 Released

Avogadro - Code Swarm from Marcus Hanwell on Vimeo.

Avogadro 1.0, i.e. the first non-beta version, was released yesterday. The best place to read about this is on Marcus Hanwell's blog (where the movie comes from) and Geoff Hutchison's interview on SourceForge.

The movie (which is best viewed on the vimeo site using full screen) very elegantly shows the evolution of the program (notice the time on the lower right hand side of the screen), from the very beginnings in 2006 when Geoff and Donald Curtis started the project.

For the historians in the audience, Donald has previously worked with me on Ghemical-gms. Ghemical is an open-source model builder based on Babel written by Tommi Hassinen, which Donald made installable on Windows and Mac's to which he added an interface to GAMESS. During the process Donald and Geoff hooked up and the rest, as they say, is history.


Marcus D. Hanwell said...

I thought the release of 1.0 was a great time to look back to the beginnings of Avogadro. I have already added a few patches to the 1.0 branch for a 1.0.1 release :-) Working on Avogadro has been a great experience from me, I have learned a lot and hopefully been a part of producing useful open source software.

We have already opened up trunk to new features, but personally I will be spending some time on adding some documentation. May be next time I am in Europe I will take you up on that beer :-)

Jan Jensen said...

It's a deal. In fact, Avogadro documentation will get you another one :)