The January issue of Computational Chemistry Highlights is out.
CCH is an overlay journal that identifies the most important papers in computational and theoretical chemistry published in the last 1-2 years. CCH is not affiliated with any publisher: it is a free resource run by scientists for scientists. You can read more about it here.
Table of content for this issue features contributions from CCH editors Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Andres Cisneros, Steven Bachrach, David Bowler, and Jan Jensen:
Construction of a Highly Distorted Benzene Ring in a Double Helicene
CCH is an overlay journal that identifies the most important papers in computational and theoretical chemistry published in the last 1-2 years. CCH is not affiliated with any publisher: it is a free resource run by scientists for scientists. You can read more about it here.
Table of content for this issue features contributions from CCH editors Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Andres Cisneros, Steven Bachrach, David Bowler, and Jan Jensen:
Construction of a Highly Distorted Benzene Ring in a Double Helicene
A computational drug design success story
Orbital-free density functional theory implementation with the projector augmented-wave method
Enhanced Helical Folding of ortho-Phenylenes through the Control of Aromatic Stacking Interactions
Materials Cartography: Representing and Mining Materials Space Using Structural and Electronic Fingerprints
Assessment of theoretical procedures for a diverse set of isomerization reactions involving double-bond migration in conjugated dienes
Computational Design of a Time-Dependent Histone Deacetylase 2 Selective Inhibitor
Nonstatistical Dynamics in the Thermal Garratt−Braverman/[1,5]‑H Shift of One Ene−diallene: An Experimental and Computational Study
Popular Highlights of 2014
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0