+Jimmy Charnley Kromann has put a new version of the Molecule Calculator online. The main new features are:
1. JSmol instead of Jmol. This means that MolCalc now works on iPhones and iPads. The only thing that doesn't seem to work there is measuring distances and angles. This also means that the load button had disappeared.
2. New starting points for molecule building: the default starting structure is still methane, but this can now now be changed to benzene or the water dimer. It is also possible to search for other structures using common names or SMILES.
3. One can now compute other thermodynamic properties in addition to the heat of formation.
The guts of the calculations are still the same as for version 1.0 except that the MMFF force field is used for pre-optimization instead of the UFF force field.
As always the source code is available on Github
The development of MolCalc is supported by the University of Copenhagen through the Education at its Best initiative (Den gode uddannelse).
1. JSmol instead of Jmol. This means that MolCalc now works on iPhones and iPads. The only thing that doesn't seem to work there is measuring distances and angles. This also means that the load button had disappeared.
2. New starting points for molecule building: the default starting structure is still methane, but this can now now be changed to benzene or the water dimer. It is also possible to search for other structures using common names or SMILES.
3. One can now compute other thermodynamic properties in addition to the heat of formation.
The guts of the calculations are still the same as for version 1.0 except that the MMFF force field is used for pre-optimization instead of the UFF force field.
As always the source code is available on Github
The development of MolCalc is supported by the University of Copenhagen through the Education at its Best initiative (Den gode uddannelse).