This screencast shows some Molecular Workbench models I made to illustrate entropy.
In the first model a monatomic gas consisting of 100 particles are initially restricted to the left container, but when the separator is removed the gas expands to fill both containers evenly, on average.
The temperature is held constant during the simulation, so the internal energy (which equal to the temperature times a constant) stays constant. The driving force behind the expansion is therefore purely entropic.
Using two simpler cases with two and three particles, I show that the probability of having NL particles (out of N total) on the left is

For N particles and two containers the number of combinations if there are NL particles in the left container is

As in the simpler cases, the most likely state for 100 particles is an equal distribution of particles among the two containers (NL = 50). The main difference between 3 and 100 particles is that in the former case you'll occasionally (2/8 or 25 % of the time) see all particles in one container, whereas for 100 particles you'll never (2 x 10-28 % of the time) see all particles in one container.
Entropy, S, is defined as

The change in entropy is

The model is too wide to fit in this blog but you can play around with it on this web page, or you can download the model if you have Molecular Workbench installed on your computer. Enjoy!
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